Sundays at 11:00

Rosalind hills baptist church

Child Development Center

Parent Handbook

Dear Parents,

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child(ren) to Rosalind Hills Child Development Center. We understand the difficult process of choosing a child care provider and we desire for you to be involved in all forms of your child’s care. That is why we feel it is important to know and understand all of the program policies.

Our goal is to provide for each child a safe and enjoyable environment in which to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. When you pick up your smiling child, at the end of the day, it should tell you that you chose us for all the right reasons.

We at Rosalind Hills see the Child Development Center as our outreach to the community around us. Through this ministry we hope to follow Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way that they should go and even when they are old they will not depart from it”. Thank you for allowing us to help you “train up” your children. Each of our students will be treated as unique individuals with compassion and understanding as we care for what we believe to be children of God.

We appreciate your comments, suggestions, and support. Parents are encouraged to stop by any time to join in the fun or to see what we’re doing.

In Christ’s Love,

Katie Trear
Interim Director


By making the choice to be part of the Rosalind Hills (RH) Child Development Center (CDC), you have agreed to abide by the policies stated in this packet. If you have any questions regarding the program or policies, please ask any of the staff or contact the CDC Director at 540.339.9369. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.


The Code of Virginia, Section 63.2-1716, allows childcare centers operated by religious institutions the opportunity to file for an exemption from licensure by meeting documentation and other requirements specified within the religious exemption law. The statements below have been prepared and distributed to meet the requirements of the religious exemption law.
In compliance with the Code of Virginia, Section 63.2-1716, this Center is religiously exempt from licensure and is classified as a “religiously exempt child care center.” The CDC’s public disclosure statement and position descriptions are posted inside the CDC.


Registration is not complete until all steps have been completed. You must provide a completed application, activity fee, proof of the child’s birth, and immunization records to the Coordinator.

The deposit will be used as the first semester activity fee. An activity fee is due in August, January and June. The activity fee is used for special activities during the year.

General Information

Each child will have space to keep personal belongings; however, be sure your child’s name is clearly marked on their belongings. RHCDC cannot be responsible for lost or misplaced items. Parents, please encourage your child to leave electronic devices and valuables athome. *Note: School Age students may bring electronics on full days but please label the item and any accessories.

When picking up your child at the end of the day, please check for items to take home. Allow time for them to finish what they are doing and encourage them to put away materials. Be sure the staff knows your child is arriving/leaving and to sign them in/out upon entering/exiting the CDC. Please check your child’s folder daily


After School (K-5th grade):

The tuition is $95 per week. An Activity Fee of $45 is due in August and January. These fees are used for special activities and supplies during the school year. *Note: A $45 fee is collected in March to hold your child’s spot for the upcoming Fall/School Year-this fee counts as the upcoming Fall Fee. ALL fees are non-refundable.

An additional fee of $18 per day will be added when parents opt to use full time care on holidays, school vacations, teacher work days, and inclement weather days.

School Age Summer Camp:

Summer Camp for School Age is $165 per week with a non-refundable $120 activity fee.


Full time tuition is $175 per week for 2’s and $165 per week for 3’s & Pre-K classes. Part time (3 full days) tuition is $140 per week for 2’s and $130 per week for 3’s and Pre-K classes. There is a 10% discount for siblings.

An activity fee of $45 is due in August, & January, and $60 in May for summer months. The activity fee is used for special activities/field trips during the year

Year-this fee counts as the upcoming Fall Fee. ALL fees are non-refundable.

Dress Code

Children are expected to dress in a manner that is neat and portrays a Christian attitude. No halter tops or midriff shirts are allowed. Also shorts should be fingertip length whenstanding. Skirts and dresses may only be worn with shorts or leggings underneath, remember your child will be busy with active play and needs to dress appropriately. No flip flops or open sandals are permitted, but closed sandals with straps on back will be permitted. Please refrain from sending children in shirts with sayings and logos that are inappropriate. No bikinis allowed, but tankinis are permitted on swimming or water days.

State guidelines allow children to play outside when the temperature is above 40 degrees. At RHCDC, we will use our own discretion. However, please dress your child appropriately for outdoor play. We will not provide coats, hats, or gloves. Label every item you send with your child. If your child is well enough to attend preschool for the day, he or she needs to be able to participate fully in the day’s activities, including going outside.


RHCDC is open all year long and provides care for children from 7:30-5:30 daily. The RHCDC is closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, and a shut down week during Christmas (no tuition is due during shut down week). We also close for a staff work day on President’s Day, one at the end of May or beginning of June and one in August (specific dates will be announced yearly).


Should you no longer need our services for your child(ren), we require a two week notification as well as two weeks of tuition. Activity fees are not refundable.


Childcare tuition is due by the close of business each Friday. Families are encouraged to pay tuition using the brightwheel app. We also accept cash, check or money order for tuition payments.

Because we base supplies purchased and staff for the number of children paid for the week, there are no credits or refunds and fees will not be prorated for days not used, due to illness, appointments, holidays, inclement weather or other activities. This policy applies even when your child is absent. As a gift to our families we offer 1 (one) week (5 consecutive days) at no charge for the purposes of family vacation. This week must be communicated in advance (at least 1 week in advance) to the coordinator and arrangements should be made to prepay for the week your child will return to the program. Each family will only receive 1 week per calendar year calculated by the date they enrolled.

Return Check Policy

There is a return check fee of $20. If RHCDC receives more than one returned check in a school year we will no longer accept payment by check for the remainder of the school year.

Late Payment Policy

Late fees will be assessed if payment is not received on time. We charge a $20 weekly late fee. Meaning, if payment for current week is not received by close of business on Friday (payments are due on Wednesdays) a $20 fee will be added on Monday to your child’s account. Each week you are late incurs a new $20 penalty. You will be notified that if all monies are not paid in full by the close of business on the third Friday, your child will be removed from the program.

You will be given a statement each week showing a balance due, on the Friday, overdue balance will be turned over to Advisory team and child will not be able to attend until balance is paid in full. Your child’s spot can only be guaranteed for two weeks.

Refunds and Credits

Because we base supplies purchased and staff for the number of children paid for th week-there are no credits or refunds and fees will not be prorated.

Receipts and Taxes

Our Federal ID # is 54-0673679. Receipts are available (upon request) when you make your payment. Please keep them for tax purposes.

Student Attendance

If your child is not going to be attending RHCDC due to illness or other reasons, please notify the center at 540.339.9369 or use brightwheel to message staff. (See also Health,p.8)

It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school if their child will/will not be using RHCDC transportation from school to the CDC for the After School program.

Hours of Operation

After School Care/School Age:

Student Hours: Monday-Friday 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Summer Hours/Full Days: 7:30 AM-5:30 PM

RHCDC goes by the Roanoke City school calendar for student holidays, early dismissals,and the start and completion of each school year.

We will pick up children on early dismissal days at the designated time set by the school system.

The center will also open on days schools are closed due to inclement weather if possible.

We will notify parents via brightwheel of possible delayed openings. The RHCDC Coordinators will make this decision keeping the safety of children and staff in mind.

There is no extra charge for early dismissal days. On full days there is an additional $13 fee for after school students who attend.


Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Student Pick Up

When you arrive to pick up your child, you must sign your child out using the brightwheel app. No child will be allowed to leave with anyone whose name is not on the approved pick up list. We will require picture identification from everyone picking up a child. If changes need to be made to your approved pick up list, please submit them to the Director in writing.

Late Pick Up

The CDC currently closes at 5:30 PM. If you are unable to pick up your child, please make arrangements to notify the center concerning who will be picking up your child. A penalty of $10 will be charged for any pick up that occurs between 5:30-5:40, any pickup that occurs after 5:40 will be a $25 charge. If the parent or emergency contact cannot be reached and the center has not heard from you by 6PM then Child Protective Services will be called. Being consistently late is grounds for dismissal.

Suspected Intoxication of a Parent/Authorized Person

If an authorized pick up person arrives at the RHCDC and appears to be under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, the RHCDC staff will offer to contact someone else to come in and pick up the child/children. If the offer is denied, the RHCDC cannot refuse the right of a parent or legal guardian to pick up their child/children, and the staff member is to obtain the license plate number of the vehicle and will immediately call the Roanoke City Police Department with the information.

Emergency Contact Information

Three emergency contacts are required on every child’s application. Be sure current phone numbers are listed for your child’s emergency contact persons. These people must live or work locally in order to be of assistance in an emergency. Also, be sure your contacts know you have given us their name and are willing to come to the center with a picture ID to pick up your child in the event you cannot be reached.


If a child has symptoms of illness, such as, but not limited to: diarrhea, vomiting, fever (100 degrees or above), severe coughing or conjunctivitis, parents are required to keep their child (ren) at home. This is done in order to protect the health of all children. Should a child become ill while at RHCDC, the parent will be promptly notified and is required to pick up the child immediately. In order to keep others well, the ill child cannot return to CDC the following day. The following will also be cause for immediate pick up: head lice, suspicious rashes, etc. *Note: if we notify you to pick your child up due to a fever, we will not be re-taking temperatures when the child is picked up.

A child returning after being ill must be free of fever and other symptoms for at LEAST 24 HOURS. If your child is sent home from CDC, they must stay out the following day. (example: child is sent home at 10am Monday with a fever or other symptoms of illness, he/she cannot return until Wednesday and only then if he/she has been fever/symptom free for 24 hours).

We have a “nit free” policy regarding head lice. A child must be treated and nit free before returning to the CDC. The child must be checked by center staff at the time of drop off the day they return to the center.

We will keep you informed of any instance of disease affecting children at our program and we also ask the same of you in return. If a child is absent because of a contagious disease he/she is not allowed to return to the program without a note from a physician stating that the child’s condition is no longer contagious.


School Age: The RHCDC staff will not dispense any prescription medication, due to the short time period we have your child. We ask that you make arrangements to administer any prescription medication before or after the program. If arrangements need to be made for fullday “Teacher Work Days” please make arrangements with the RHCDC Director.

A medical form will need to be completed and signed by your doctor in advance, and medication must be in its original prescription container with written instructions.

Preschool: The RHCDC staff trained in medication administration will dispense medication with directions and signed consent from a doctor

Meals and Snacks

The CDC provides snacks (morning and afternoon) and lunch for preschoolers . School age children will need to provide their own lunch on full days during the school year. However, during the summer, lunch and snacks are provided for school age children as part of their tuition. Snacks for all children are included in the program and will be served in the morning and afternoon. Parents, please note on the students application any known allergies to food and what precautions our staff can take to ensure your child’s safety. Children will not be allowed to bring breakfast into the building. We provide a uniform snack between 9-9:30 AM and we ask that breakfast be consumed prior to entering the building. *NOTE: Homemade snacks are not allowed for birthdays or holidays but store bought items are fine.

Rules and Behavior Guidelines

We want to ensure that every child attending RHCDC be provided with a safe and enjoyable environment in which to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. This being the case, each child must follow the Rules and Policies of the program.

  • All participants must be respectful to staff and other students
  • Treat others as I would like to be treated
  • Keep my hands and feet to myself
  • Play appropriately so I won’t hurt anyone
  • Play games fairly
  • Tell the truth about my actions
  • Respect others property
  • Be a good listener and wait my turn to speak
  • Clean up after myself
  • Come prepared to work on homework or have reading materials for homework time
  • I will show my faith by believing in myself, in the goodness of others, and participating during prayer time and other activities.

We have adopted a 3-strike policy in dealing with consistent behavior problems. First and second offenses will be documented warnings. The third offense will result in the suspension from the program and conference with parents. Each situation will be handled with respect and grace for the students involved, and our staff will redirect children to appropriate behavior to solve conflicts.

Students that display dangerous and severe behavioral challenges, which may cause harm to themselves, others, or property may be sent home and possibly suspended from the program. Positive parental support is imperative to the success of each student.

Photography Release

Throughout the program, there are many activities and events that could result in your child being photographed. RHCDC may use these photographs for the promotion of the program. If you would NOT like for your child to participate in activities such as these, you must notify the Director in writing and we will ensure that your child is not photographed in the program.

Field Trips

Both preschoolers and school age students will take field trips. Our CDC abides by state guidelines which mandate that students be properly secured. Our insurance requires that all school age children who are not yet 8 or 80 pounds to be in a booster seat. We also require that unless your child is in the Pre-K class they must still be in a 5 point harness for all field trips. ( Unless they are already 4 years old and weigh 40 lbs. and meet both requirements) Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Toilet Training

The RHBC Child Development Center employees will work with parents on helping a child learn toileting skills when the child demonstrates readiness for toilet training. Communication with the parent is key to making this partnership work. Staff will make every effort to maintain the type of system you use at home for training. Whatever your child is wearing when they arrive at the center (pull-up, diaper, underwear) is what we will continue to use throughout the day unless previous arrangements are made with staff (for example: child is in underwear in morning, but parent prefers pull-up for nap and sends those in for child to change into).

Wednesday Evening Church Participation Opportunity

We would love to have your child(ren) stay and participate in activities on Wednesday nights. Information will be sent home periodically and will also be available on the church website (

Rosalind Hills Child Development Center
Parent Handbook Agreement

Please attach your signature and submit this form. Thank you!

I have read and understand the policies and agreements in the parent handbook.
Rosalind Hills Baptist Church